Facebook: facebook.com/thegreenergarden
Email: thegreenergarden@comcast.net
About Our Farm
Warren and Lavette Blue are the proud owners and operators of The Greener Garden, a certified Naturally Grown farm located in the Hamilton area of Baltimore City. They have provided their community with fresh vegetables for over 20 years. They started growing their own vegetables once they learned that most of the commercial growers and farmers were using a lot of chemicals on their soil. Through the University of Maryland Extension Urban Agriculture Service they were able to attend classes and become Certified Master Gardeners. They grow a variety of vegetables, including a large variety of greens.
To provide good, healthy food to the Baltimore community and to educate people about food, soil and growing and eating heathy food.
Farmer Profiles: Warren and Lavette Blue
Coming soon!
Where We Grow
5623 McClean Blvd, Baltimore, MD 21214
Where We Sell
Park Heights Community Farmers Market
Druid Hill Farmers Market
Waverly Farmers Market at Farm Alliance Stand: Year round, Saturdays, 7am – 12pm, 400 E 32nd Street, 21218
Volunteer With Us!
Please email us at thegreenergarden@comcast.net for information about volunteer opportunities.