Our work is made possible by the generous financial and in-kind contributions of the many institutions and individuals listed below. If you would like to contribute to the Farm Alliance of Baltimore, or make a recurring monthly donation or other gift, you can donate here. To receive updates about the exciting work we do and to learn how you can get involved, please subscribe to our newsletter at the bottom of our website.
If you are interested in partnering with the Farm Alliance of Baltimore to support urban agriculture in Baltimore, please contact Denzel Mitchell denzel@farmalliancebaltimore.org
If you are interested in providing financial support or in kind contributions please contact our development team at fundraising@farmalliancebaltimore.org
We have received financial support from the following supporters:
- Baltimore Women’s Giving Circle
- Bethany United Method Church
- Catherine Roberts/The Seed Fund
- Community Foundation for Northern Virginia / The Grymes Fund
- Engle Family Foundation of the Community Foundation of Northern Colorado
- Give One for Good Food – Michele’s Granola
- Goldseker Foundation
- Henry & Ruth Blaustein Rosenberg Foundation
- Jim & Patty Rouse Charitable Foundation
- Kaiser Permanente Community Health Initiative
- North Star Capital
- Sustainable Giving Campaign
- T. Rowe Price Foundation
- The Abell Foundation
- The Baltimore Civic Fund
- The Baltimore Community Foundation
- The Baltimore Food Policy Initiative
- The Bernard Family
- The Blackbaud Giving Program
- The Bloomberg School of Public Health
- The Clif Family Foundation
- The Elbow Fund
- The Exelon Corporation’s Employee Giving Fund
- The France-Merrick Foundation
- The Horticultural Society of MD
- The Jacob and Hilda Blaustein Charitable Fund
- The John Meyerhoff and Lenel Srochi Meyerhoff Fund
- The Joseph and Harvey Meyerhoff Foundation
- The Kentfields Foundation
- The Marguerite Cole Foundation
- The Rauch Foundation
- The Stulman Foundation
- The Urban Farm Fund of the Baltimore Community Foundation
- United Way of Central Maryland
We also partner with the following agencies and organizations:
- Baltimore City Department of Recreation & Parks
- Baltimore City Office of Sustainability
- Baltimore Green Space
- Baltimore Orchard Project
- Black Yield Institute
- Bon Secours Community Works
- Community Law Center
- Coppin State University Department of Natural Sciences
- Crucial Culture
- Eat Fresh Maryland Network
- Earth-Bound Building
- Fair Farms
- Farm Aid
- Fight Blight Baltimore
- Friends of Garrett Park
- Future Harvest – Chesapeake Alliance for Sustainable Agriculture
- Greater Baybrook Alliance
- Holistic Wellness and Health
- Johns Hopkins Center for a Livable Future
- Johns Hopkins Center for Social Concern
- Kindred Wellness
- L. Abrams & Company
- Maryland Department of Agriculture
- Maryland Hunger Solutions
- MICA Center for Design Practice
- Micro Business Network Consulting
- MorganCares
- Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Working Group
- Purple Mountain Organics
- Repair the World Baltimore
- SignalFire Consulting
- Soilful City
- Tree Baltimore
- The Horticultural Society of MD
- The No Boundaries Coalition
- The SOS Fund
- United Workers
- University of Baltimore Community Law Clinic
- University of Maryland Eastern Shore
- University of Maryland Extension
- University of MD Environmental Law Clinic
- University of MD Institute of Applied Agriculture
We have received in-kind contributions and volunteer support from the following:
- City Seeds
- Local Color Flowers
- Mahan Rykiel Associates
- Blacksauce Kitchen
- Woodberry Kitchen
- Land of Kush
- Local Color Flowers
- Urban Land Institute
- Power Inside
- Stones Throw Hash
- Wilde Thyme
- Mera Kitchen Collective
- HEX Ferments
- John Meyerhoff and Lenel Srochi-Meyerhoff
- Gilmore Khandhar, LLC
- Sharps at Waterford Farm
- Hanyok & Co
- Black Ankle Vineyards
- The Wine Collective
- Peabody Heights Brewery
- Ministry of Brewing
- Monocacy Valley Flower Co-Op
- Off the Rox
- Chachis
- Taste This Cake
- Juniper Farm
- Two Boots Farm
- Doppio Pasticceria