Launched in 2021, this 9 month training program focuses on sustainable agriculture methods and farm business planning through classroom sessions, on-farm work and field days. It is designed to provide micro-scaled urban farm training to people who live and/or work in the “butterfly wings” of Baltimore City, preferably those who are socially disadvantaged. (see USDA 2501 definition)
Special thanks to the staff, board, farmer members, our community and friends for your inspiration, ideas and partnership to make this dream a reality.
Big ups to Dr. Lawrence Brown for allowing us to uplift his academic scholarship and share in using his term “Black Butterfly” in the name of this program. We appreciate you! *Go buy and read his book!
The Black Butterfly Urban Farmer Academy is a project of the Farm Alliance of Baltimore and is funded through a grant from the Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education program.
Below are photos from the Black Butterfly Urban Farmer Academy 2021 Cohort, click to view as a slideshow.